10 June 2012

Scary diary

On the set of Scary Normal

OK, seriously, this slavedriving director is working us around the clock; I have time for this post only because I don't work out on Sundays, and I'm writing this under the covers while pretending to still be asleep before going upstairs to get my Sunday muffin & then walking to the New York Times store.

Two days in, we've had our first disaster and survived; we've stayed on schedule and put about ten scenes in the digital can; and no one has died. I have been--no smarmy Chambollywood bullshit here--stunned by the professionalism and the high skill levels of the actors and production people, and overwhelmed by the complexity of the script supervisor/continuity czar's duties. I was lots better at my job on the second day than on the first; I'm hoping to ease my way to marginal competence by the time I fly home.

Anyway, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, click on the title link up there and go read about the film and the director's philosophy. There aren't many things I'd give up three weeks worth of going to the movies for, but I'm am even more proud and excited than I am exhausted (though it is early in the shoot) to be involved with this project. I'll let you know more if I have time sometime.


Anonymous said...


Lisa H said...

The promo is terrific. What a great project to be a part of!

cheeseblab said...

Thanks, Lisa, it is indeed. Anonymous, I think it was front-to-back.