31 October 2008

From transsexual Transylvania


No, I didn't really plan to watch a low-budget creeper on Halloween; I planned to watch The Shining, but after weeks in the clear in my Netflix queue, at the last minute it turned up Short Wait, and this was my fallback position, which is interesting, since falling back is sort of a climactic moment.

Let's see if I have this straight: the beautiful woman who likes to fuck in the cemetery, then stab her mate, isn't really a woman but rather the tall (didn't look all that tall to me, but everybody calls him tall, so I guess he's tall) mortician, who isn't really a mortician but an alien whose funeral home conceals a dimensional portal to his home planet, where he ships the corpses he's converted into Jawa-looking dwarves (so that they can deal with the gravity there) as slaves (but if it's his planet, and he's tall, how does he survive the gravity? . . . ) Oh, and if you should happen to cut off one of his fingers, it'll bleed yellow for a while before becoming a rabidly carnivorous insecty sort of beast.

Yeah, I think that's about it. A film in dire need of Bruce Campbell.

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