19 October 2008


In Search of a Midnight Kiss


I read something recently that suggested that the term mumblecore is passé, but hey, if it looks like a duck and it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck . . .

Anyway, if that's its genre, it's my favorite since Funny Ha Ha, which is the quintessence of mumblecore. This despite a female lead who says things like "I hate museums" and "Books suck." For one thing, you have to give some credit to a film set in LA that has its characters walking and taking the subway. Yes, LA has a subway. Oh, and the opening sequence is painfully hilarious.

The film's other obvious progenitor (and, now that I think of it, this is perhaps the m'core Ur-text) is Richard Linklater's heartbreakingly perfect Before Sunrise, and indeed Linklater is among those thanked in the end credits.

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