26 September 2008

You are what you eat

Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (Salo; or, The 120 Days of Sodom)


A perverse provocation from Pier Paolo Pasolini, working from a model provided by the original sadist. Sadism + pederasty + coprophilia + coprophagy + some more sadism + oh, what the heck: some more sadism, to a murderous degree = Fascism. Clearly supposed to be damned near unwatchable, and it is. Oddly, the copy Netflix sent me seems to have included several interludes of baseball (also sadistic, or, from my perspective, masochistic) and a long stretch of debate between the world's oldest white man and a much younger, much less white man, moderated by an old-but-not-as-old white man trying in vain to get the other two to answer his questions. If anything, these interruptions put me more in a frame of mind to deal with the film's grotesqueries.

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