28 September 2008

Happens to everybody: horses, dogs, men



And so it has happened to Hud, and to Hombre and Harper and Harry and The Hustler and Hudsucker and Doc Hudson, to Butch and Brick and Billy the Kid and and Buffalo Bill and Judge Roy Bean and Mr. Bridge, to Harry Frigg and Henry Gondorff and Max Roby and, yes, even to Henry Wiggen of the New York Mammoths.

We will miss you.


Anonymous said...

In honour of Paul, I made egg salad with Newman's own. Raised the little jar and said "Rest in peas."
Looking to see if you'd reviewed Road to Perdition since I've seen most of the rest. I've just put that at the top of My Q. Do you think Alex is too young for Butch Cassidy?
As for Moonstruck, probably the all-time best confession scenes! ...."Let's go back to that second one."

cheeseblab said...

Paul always loved a good pun. Saw Road when it came out, admired it--especially the against-type casting--more than liked it.

Yes, another great Moonstruck moment--"That's a pretty big sin, Loretta." We could fill a blog w/ our favorite lines.

I think Alex can deal w/ BC&tSK--when the faux-rape scene comes, just say, "It's just make believe--you know, like when Mommy puts on her SS uniform and drags Daddy around by his dog collar."