Trolljegeren (Trollhunter)
Saturday morning tweak. Why no Friday night deaccesssion? Well, look, I didn't want to watch this last night--I wanted to watch it, of course, but Netflix inaccessibility screwed me midweek when I wanted to adjust my queue to get my next Big Love disc. And let me ask people who still use Netflix for disc rental: do they seem to be dragging their feet on turnarounds of late? I used to routinely get a new disc on day 2 after mailing the old one; now it's always day 3. I know they want to encourage the move to streaming--and I'd gladly go that way if everything I want were available--but would they really do it so hamhandedly?A Norwegian entry in the low-budget faux-documentary tradition of The Blair Witch Project, cynical college filmmakers get in way over their heads--literally, in this case. Silly but delightful, and major props for having the gumption to show us a lot of trolls, and a wide variety.