18 August 2012

Fun with tiny phallic symbols

Celeste and Jesse Forever

From the first time I saw the trailer, I've feared this movie, feared that the premise of a divorcing couple who remain best friends might cut a little close to, or perhaps into, or maybe right through the bone. As it happens, Celeste (Rashida Jones, whom I otherwise love) and Jesse (Andy Samberg, whose entire career I've otherwise pretty much managed to miss, to no regret) are so insufferable and so unspeakably young, complete with puerile manifestations of the private language that characterizes all close relationships, for better or worse, that I didn't see much of anyone I know or am in them. And anyway, I always had a job, and while she often didn't, and was an artist, there was nothing unambitious about her.

Anyway, didn't much like it, but let's give it some credit: it doesn't take the easy-answer romcom approach to the genuinely serious (and grown-up) questions it poses. The ending may not be altogether satisfactory, but it's not rote.

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