01 November 2008

Nothing's riding on this . . .

All the President's Men

Certain movies (Groundhog Day, Life of Brian, Casablanca, for example) I attach to a certain part of the calendar. This one is different; this one I watch when events--especially political events--leave me in need of reassurance that if I can't necessarily ever count on the good guys winning, at least I can take solace that occasionally the bad guys lose.

So why this, why now?

As a measure of how confident I am. See, I've been saving this for many months, against the possibility that I'd need it after election day. I just don't think I'm going to need it then--but I still wanted to see it. So.

If Bad Things happen Tuesday, well, I guess it'll be my fault; I guess my overconfidence will have jinxed things. But frankly, if bad things happen Tuesday, I don't think a movie will be much comfort anyway.

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