07 November 2010

'Til the cows come home

Tamara Drewe

I've read neither the graphic novel whence this derives nor the Thomas Hardy novel whence that derives, but this is a hoot on its own merits.

Its hootishness is built on Stephen Frears's direction of standard-issue English countryside sex farce so that the issue becomes unstandard when you least expect it, and it rests in great measure on the wronged-wife moral-center performance of Tamsin Greig, but the clincher is Jessica Barden as the hormone-besotted 15-year-old not just enamored with a rock star but possessed of the devious intelligence and good luck to bring him within reach.

Oh! Noticed in the credits, though not in the film: Patricia Quinn as "Posh Hippie." Another oh: gratifying moment in film: when Tamara is listening to Lily Allen's "The Fear."
  • Rabbit Hole--Coincidentally, my daughter just declared this a must-see, based on her enthusiasm for the play on which it's based. I'm in on that basis + dir. John Cameron Mitchell.
  • Made in Dagenham--Damn, I resent a trailer that gets me misty already. Q: when Sally Hawkins wins the Oscar for her portrayal of a labor-rousing factory worker, will she in her acceptance speech proclaim, "You like me! You really like me!"?

1 comment:

Karen said...

I want to see Tamara Drewe, haven't read the book, etc, but I like that English stuff. Also want to see The King's Speech.