22 June 2008

How many politicians does it take to screw in a compact fluorescent lightbulb?

An Inconvenient Truth


Boy, I don't know about you, but it gives me the willies every time I remember how close we came to not electing Al Gore president. I don't even remember the other guy's name now, just that he was kinda dim and seemed a little bit dangerous. Thank goodness the Supreme Court allowed the Florida recount to proceed; otherwise, we'd have been deprived of a president who has been at the forefront of the global ecological resurgence: emissions are down, temperatures are leveling out, the polar ice caps seem to be stabilizing, and the effort of American carmakers to respond to the crisis has decreased our reliance on foreign fossil fuels, revitalized our economy, and seemingly even contributed to improving our standing in the global community. Of course, our military involvement only in clear-cut cases of moral imperative has helped in that respect too.

To be fair, I suppose the other guy might have done just as well.

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