05 January 2008

His left eye

Le Scaphandre et le papillon (The Diving Bell and the Butterfly)


Maybe a forgotten ticket stub will change my mind (but if it's forgotten, how likely is that?), but for now my Best Picture of 2007 would have to go either to this or to No Country for Old Men, and the two are so completely different that it's going to be tough to pick. This is just a beautiful film, in every way, walking a tightrope over the abyss of sentimentality but rising (like a butterfly?) into empyrean emotion, well earned, painful, and thrilling. Julian Schnabel may insist that he's an artist who merely dabbles in film, but his third dabbling at direction makes it clear that his genius translates. And given the Academy's affection for Afflicted Guy--and also given the fact that it's an absolutely astonishing performance--Mathieu Amalric seems a shoo-in for Oscar.


Anonymous said...

hasn't come here -- didn't Schnabel do the NY artist/graffit guy?
Sam Sweeeney Todd today and can't undeerstand the appeal of this story. Maybe if it were Schnabelized

cheeseblab said...

Yeah, Basquiat; also Before Night Falls.

Anonymous said...

This is a Best Picture possibility for me, too. It reminds me of Sartre's Nausea--the heroic will to write in the face of hopelessness. And the voice, the humor!