01 April 2016


Eye in the Sky

OK, I'll admit: in my entire career, I've never killed anyone--or, for that matter, saved anyone's life--and I'd probably be as fanatical in my pursuit of ass coverage before making a fatal decision as anyone in this film, but good golly, what a weaselly bunch of pound-note passers. Because yes, the two politicians who have no trouble cutting the ethical Gordian knot of whether to kill the terrorists (who are clearly planning suicide bombings) at the cost of some innocent lives are cabinet-level Americans, while the politicians who waffle and bail on the question, passing it up the hierachy, are Brits (and are, to be fair, concerned much more about political blowback than about the morality or ethics of the decision). I'm not sure which stance we are meant to find more appalling, but at least we don't have to listen to the Americans for long; the interminable rhetorical circle jerk of the Brits make you wish someone would put a Hellfire through their roof.

The last we'll see of Alan Rickman, I guess. Sigh.

  • Suicide Squad--Hey, a comic book movie! Hasn't been one of those for a while!

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