08 February 2015

Excitable boy


Stevie (Antoine-Olivier Pilon) is a troublesome child--maybe not quite Damien troublesome, maybe not even Clockwork Alex troublesome, but with anger and control issues that certainly place him on that continuum. And then there are his mommy issues. And then there's his mommy, Diane, "Die" (Anne Dorval), and her issues. And the mysterious, loving, stammering high school teacher on sabbatical who lives across the street, Kyla (Suzanne Clément), and her complement of issues.

I have nothing worthwhile to say about the film, but I do have two worthless things to say about it: (1) it's so creepy and uncomfortablemaking as to be beyond even my generally high threshold for those qualities, and (2) the climactic sequence is directly ripped off from the final episode of Six Feet Under.

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