05 May 2017

Fetch another round

Guardians of the Galaxy, vol. 2

Was the first one as grotesquely uneven as this one? I know it had scenes as hilarious as the hilarious scenes here, but did it have long, draggy, aimless sequences too, like this one? And it may have had some soppy sentimentality, but I'm pretty sure it didn't sop as soppily as this one does. One thing's certain: while that one violated the First Cheeseblab Commandment--Thou shalt not let your comedy run past 2 hours--its violation was a venial one minute, while this one mortally sins by 17 minutes, which (duh, why the commandment exists in the first place) seems much, much, much, much longer.

On the upside: best Stan Lee cameo ever.


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