21 October 2011

Soul on ice

The Black Power Mixtape, 1967-1975

You know, if I'd been born in Sweden, I would have had a much clearer view from my country's media of this country's warts, and maybe I wouldn't have grown up such a weak-tea liberal, such a limp-dishrag lefty. Then again, I did know a few equally middle-class white guys in grad school who hadn't drunk the Kool-Aid; I thought they were cynical, glass-two-thirds-empty grumblers. Well, who's the cynic now?

Anyway, better late than never seeing '60s black activism without the filter of the liberal INO American media. Golly, you know what? Yeah, Stokely and Angela did say all the shit that Walter quoted at 6 o'clock (I was in the Central time zone, don't forget), but nary a speck of foam flew from their mouths. Moreover, when you see them and hear them, and when they get to establish a context, that dangerous radicalism plays a lot more like simple good sense.

See. This. Film.

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