07 October 2011

All honorable men

The Ides of March

The most depressing thing about this is not the banality of its evil, the bland predictability of its sad, dreary tale of naïveté betrayed, of idealism corrupted. Nor is it my recognition of the cost in blood and treasure of having let my Clooneycrush trump pans by two generally trustworthy reviewers. Nor is it even the terrible waste by Clooney's direction and a script cowritten by Clooney of some of the best acting talent (Clooney included) in the biz today.

No, the most depressing thing about this is how inspirational the message of Clooney's Democratic presidential candidate sounds in the early going, and how unsubtly the imagery of his campaign artwork reminds us of a real-life inspirational Democratic presidential candidate, and the difference between that candidate's message and the actions of the president he became. Now that is depressing.  
  • Margin Call--I was thinking as I watched this trailer for a film about overweening corporate greed that its sell-by date had passed, that people just aren't all that pissed about it anymore. Then I remembered what's been going on at Zuccotti Park. So maybe?

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