10 July 2010

Play it again

Flickan Som lekte med elden (The girl who played with fire)

Not as good as the first--spends an unnecessary amount of time reminding us what when on then (how many people do you suppose went to this without seeing Tattoo? I figure anyone who got all stirred up about the novels since the first film came out would either start with that one on DVD or wait for David Fincher's remake), and the obligatory hot-lesbian-sex scene seems a little . . . well, obligatory--but once Lisbeth swipes the chopper of the big ugly dude whose scrotum she has Tazed, the film picks up the momentum it needs to overcome the implausible 18th-century-novelish coincidence-driven plot. I'll follow her (and her avatar, Noomi Rapace [Carey Mulligan rumored for the remake]) anywhere, but I'm hoping the itinerary of the finale will veer farther from the road more traveled.


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