The Hurt Locker
Gee whiz! It's not bad enough to be in a land where you hate and/or fear and/or mistrust every living man, woman, child, and alley cat, and they all hate and/or fear and/or mistrust you right back--noooooo! they have to put a crazy motherfucker in the Hummer with you who's apt to get you all killed.
Director Kathryn Bigelow blows things up real good, but also gives us all the suspense we can handle--I lost count of the my involuntary inhalations or exhalations. One of the best flicks of the summer.
As is this. Actually, this is several excellent films of the past--the DNA of 2001: A Space Odyssey and Invasion of the Body Snatchers is obvious, but I also detected traces of Duck Soup and Dr. Strangelove, and the guy I saw it with aptly noted Solyaris (or maybe Solaris--I forgot to clarify).
Two things the trailer didn't prepare me for: how big the comic element would be and how much of the time Sam Rockwell would be acting against himself. He does it brilliantly, and it would be interesting to know the technical specs. And of course Kevin Spacey as the voice of HAL--er, GERTY--is perfect casting.
- It Might Get Loud--Jimmy Page, The Edge, and Jack White talk shop; if it were musicians I cared more about, I might be interested.
- The Road--Huh! And look what I watched last night! Can this be as good as the last film of a Cormac McCarthy novel?
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