23 May 2008

Dites-vous que voulez une révolution?

La Chinoise


Knowing what we know about Godard, we can be confident that:

(A) The Marxist-Leninist rants of the students are to be taken at face value;

(B) The Marxist-Leninist rants of the students are to be taken as a joke;

(C) Both of the above;

(D) Neither of the above.

Correct answer: (R) Probably. Partial credit for: (V) Maybe.

Only thing I'm sure about is that I need to see a lot more Godard. Or maybe no more, and forget what I've seen.

OK, one unambiguous observation: this is the most difficult film imaginable for someone not fluent in French to watch, because so often there are multiple threads of dialogue or printed text on the screen, leaving the poor subtitler at a loss about which to translate. Learn French before seeing this film, dammit! It's worth it! (Unless it's not.)

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