22 July 2017

What's my number?

Baby Driver

Meh. Well reviewed but just gimmicky for me, and none of the humanity that's supposed to make us care struck me as insufficiently human. Good playlist, though: particularly fun not only to hear Jonathan Richman's obscure "Egyptian Reggae" but to have a character title-check it. I spent most of the movie wondering whether we'd finally get to hear the title song over the end credits. Spoiler alert: yes.
  • Flatliners--Honestly? Can't even remember whether I saw the original, and don't much care about the remake.
  • The Dark Tower--Stephen King, of course.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

But but but but
but but but but
but what about that opening scene? Moving his body with the windshield wipers? And the editing that fuses body and car?

Yeah, the further I get from this one, the less enthused I am about it. Though I too love the "Egyptian Reggae" scene. And The Damned scene. "Brighton Rock" was pretty lame, though.