05 June 2016

Whom the gods would destroy, they first make horny


Here's the thing (no, that's not the punchline to a joke): I'm convinced that this guy was a terrific congressman, and that he'd have been a terrific mayor. But dude: if you can't keep it in your pants, and least don't share photos of it. At one point, after the game is lost but still unconceded, Weiner reacts with righteous indignation to Lawrence O'Donnell's question on MSNBC, "What is wrong with you?" The righteous indignation is understandable from a guy who had had to answer essentially the same question a zillion times by that point, but it remains a fair question, and in fact, in a calmer context, with the filmmakers, he takes a stab at it, suggesting, reasonably, that the drive that pushes someone into politics contains a neediness for attention and affirmation that can play out in Oval Office blowjobs and Carlos Danger sexts.

Whatever, what he has lost--what he has forfeited--is enormous, but so, I think, is what New Yorkers and the Democratic Party have lost. It's Greek tragedy with a smartphone and an unsympathetic 24-7 news cycle as chorus.

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