12 September 2014

A boy and his dog

The Drop

I admire this film for not feeling the need to explain a telling but overlookable character detail, but perhaps I admire that caginess because, having spent 15 years in Catholic schools, I'm in on the bit

Tom Hardy--oh, right: he was Locke!--is Bob, an achingly earnest American innocent in the tradition of Huck Finn and Holden Caulfield; Noomi Rapace is Nadia, the damaged, enduring presumably Romanian-American immigrant (named for Comaneci); and James Gandolfini, in his final role, is, sadly, just pretty much Tony Soprano, though a less volatile one. Nothing very surprising here (at least if you're paying attention, even if you weren't raised Catholic), but nothing that feels like a cheat, either. A solid, enjoyable, eminently missable film.
  • Wild--A long walk unspoiled by golf.

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