13 January 2013

Le Rouge et le noir et le blanc

De rouille et d'os (Rust and bone)

Yeah, we've seen before the vulnerable woman falling for the guy who is clearly bad news because of commitment problems. He hasn't always taken his adorable son away from his drug-dealing wife, and he's not always making a buck in anything-goes boxing matches, but I think it's safe to say that the main new thing here is that she is SeaWorld-type orca trainer whose legs get chomped off by one of her pupils and who appears with CGI no-legs the rest of the way.

Fine performances by Marion Cotillard (duh) and Matthias Schoenaerts (of Bullhead), and the CGI leglessness is convincing--worth seeing, not a must. One heartbreaking scene: Stéphanie sitting on her balcony, repeating the arm gestures from her act, hearing the music in her head.

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