07 December 2012

Corruption keeps us safe and warm


This is what happens when you get to be my age: I was looking for a "soft" deaccession candidate--one I didn't really expect to turn loose of but that had passed the 5-years-since-I-last-screened-it threshold to make it eligible for the night. When my eyes lit on this, I thought, "No, that's not even five years old, and I've screened it once since it was in the theater." Well, uh, no . . . you can see the release date above, and it was closer to 6 years ago than to 5 when I screened it the second time. Oh, it's a long, long time from May to December . . .

The labyrinthine tale of spycraft, oil thirst, Islamism, and good old fashioned skulduggery holds up well, and if anything, the assassination from afar is even a scarier and more nauseating notion now that we voted for the president who thinks it's OK than it was 7--that's right, 7--years ago.

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