16 November 2012

If our instruments go out of tune . . .

A Late Quartet

A good-looking film, a well-made film, a well-acted film, a thoroughly rote film: a familiar dynamic of love and obsession and conflict, and the only surprise is that the inevitable love affairs begin and end so abruptly.

Loved the music, though. As you know, my brow is very low, so I don't have any idea how long op. 131, but I could swear I read somewhere that we got to hear the whole thing uninterrupted; not so, by a long shot. OK, now I've checked the length, and at < 40 minutes, it could be done. Not saying it could be done with an effective dramatic dynamic, but I'm not sure it couldn't, either, and as I've suggested, I don't think much of the existing dramatic dynamic. I think I'd have liked that movie more than this one.

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