14 June 2012

Not particularly scary Flag Day (seven)

On the set of Scary Normal


For the first . . . wait, again: ahhhhhhhhh!

For the first time in the seven days of shooting, we have no night shoot; the director has asked the script supervisor (or perhaps the executive producer) to supervise two sleeping urchins and a bottle of gin so that she and her husband can get an evening together out of the house, and that seems like a plan to me.

Today we shot the high school dance sequence and the puking-in-the-bathroom scene. The latter was shot in the downstairs bathroom chez director, and since that's the exec prod's bathroom, adjoining his bedroom, he felt a little violation of personal space, but he got over it. The good work just keeps on coming, along with the little bumps in the road, which the director navigates us blithely past. The awesomeness level remains high.

Oh, that reminds me: I should go to the Champaign parking authority's site and pay a couple of parking tickets for the talent.

I'm thinking about a couple of antihistamines and 8 hours of sleep, which is pretty much double what I've been getting. Life is good.

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