25 February 2012

Fun to run a newspaper

Citizen Kane

Golly, I find that this is the first time I've screened this since I've been blogging home screenings, so I can say anything I want to about it without repeating myself. Of course, there is the problem of repeating everyone else who has ever written about the film.

My daughter doesn't like this, though I think she has seen it only once and has not cared to give it a second chance now that she's all grown up. But the fact is, I can understand not loving it--not not admiring it, which strikes me as impossible, but not having it find a place close to your heart. I mean, hell, look at me: I do love it, yet there are several movies I'd watched 4 or 5 times since I last screened this. The heart wants what the heart wants, of course, but somehow I need to get her to sit down with it again. Maybe I should ask her in my will to watch it--hell, she'll have the DVD then.

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